The Parents Are Not OK

“ parental protests have quieted (because we’re too damn busy) so has awareness of the plight — assumptions seem to be that parents have “settled into a routine” and “are doing ok now.”….

“To be clear, parents are not doing ok.”

Parents are feeling like a candle being burned at both ends.  They are either working (often remotely) while also managing their children’s schooling and all of the household duties (including lunch, which used to be managed by school!) OR they are out of work and freaking out about how to pay the bills and feed their family while also managing their children’s schooling and childcare.  In addition to logistics, they are floundering through a pandemic – with fear, uncertainty, and a dark outlook on the future.  They are exhausted, physically and emotionally.

How are you treating your parents?  If you are not a parent, how do you figure out what their wants and needs are?  Do you truly understand the balancing act they have right now?  Are you showing them how much they mean to your business?  How can you support them?



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