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Healthy Conflict
Conflict can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be — and it can be beneficial to your organization. Learn more in my most recent blog post about setting the stage for healthy conflict and how to truly embrace differences of perspective and opinion to make your company stronger, more responsive, and happier.
All I Need to Know…
We might not have learned everything we need to know in Kindergarten, but there are basic skills we all need to know to survive (and succeed) in the workforce. What do you do if you have team members who never learned those skills? Teach them!
The Great Regret (Part You…)
Oops. Around 25% of workers who quit during The Great Resignation now regret that choice. If that’s you (or if you’re regretting having not quit), check out these tips on how to make the most of wherever you are (while also making a plan to get where you want to be).
The Great Regret…?
The Great Resignation isn’t turning out so great for some. Around 25% of people who quit their jobs earlier this year already regret that decision. Dive into why and learn how you can use that information to strengthen your company’s position in hiring and in employee retention.
We Need to Talk…
We all need to have difficult conversations with others - whether a child, a partner, or a colleague. Read on for tips on planning those hard talks, on how to clearly get your point across (and to listen to theirs), and on what to do once they’re over. Phew!
Sometimes I share great resources for your business. This includes a link to a newsletter from another organization that discusses how to do diversity, equity, and inclusion work in an authentic manner. They provide real ideas for what your organization can do -- with suppliers, customers, and employees — to show you care.
The Great… Midlife Crisis?
Signs indicate The Great Resignation may be morphing into a Great Midlife Crisis. What can you do to keep your more senior employees — and to plan for when they do leave?
Women Working (Remotely)
Remote work can be attractive, especially to women who have a number of responsibilities outside of work (sorry, men, it’s true. Women are responsible for more things than you are). But remote work has pitfalls as well. Read this post to learn more about what those pitfalls might be and how to address them - as the employer/manager - so you can keep your great employees (and keep them happy!).
Women Don’t Want…Burnout
Women are leaving their jobs in droves…because of burnout. Take a look at why women are affected more than men, and learn how to prevent and counteract the signs — for yourself and for your team.
What Women Want - Part 2
Some women are more dissatisfied in their current roles/organizations than others. Read my blog post for insights into why that may be true and what you can do to counter it — and keep your best workers.
What Women Want (at Work)
Half of all working women are planning to leave their jobs within two years. Why? And how can you create a workplace where they’ll want to stay?
Variable Work Schedules
Variable work schedules can be a cost-savings in the short-term, but they might do more harm than good. Increased variability leads to higher turnover and decreased performance. Learn how you can minimize the negative effects in your workplace.