who i am
Since you’re reading this page, you’re probably wondering about me, about my background, and about why I do what I do. So, let me answer those questions, and then you can decide whether I’m a good fit for you, for your organization, and for your situation.
I’m a problem-solver, the more complex the better.
I do what I do because I don’t like seeing people suffer, especially in the workplace where they have to be and where they spend so much of their lives and their energy.
Work doesn’t have to be miserable.
If you’re looking for someone who will impress your team with acronyms, fancy models, and the names of important organizational development experts, that’s not me. I won’t be selling on you personality tests or insist on multi-page surveys and then provide you with an easy off-the-shelf solution.
I’ve learned a lot over the years about how to get the most out of employees in a way that’s good for the people who work there and that’s good for the organization. I’ve also had plenty of experience in what not to do.
If you decide to work with me, we will be a team. We will dive into your organization, probably deeper than you ever intended to go, and we will find out what is actually holding you back. We will create custom solutions for your organization and this specific situation, and I will help you build systems to keep the changes you make in place for years to come.

My Mission
I want people to succeed, and I enjoy guiding individuals and businesses to the positive future they may not yet even be able to envision.
I build teams where members thrive and want to stay together.
My background begins with an undergraduate degree in business and a master’s degree in psychology. These disparate interests allow me to blend hard, technical skills with softer, interpersonal skills. I understand how businesses function and what their needs are, and I intuitively “get” people and their motivations. Over time and through hands-on experience, I’ve figured out how to make both work together—in ways that are productive and satisfying for all involved.
I also have an uncanny ability to “translate” what different parties are saying so they can finally hear – and understand – each other. I have a way of logically approaching emotionally charged topics so they can be worked through instead of defended or avoided. I love helping people realize they’re not as far apart as they thought they were!
As for me, the person, I have a dry and sarcastic sense of humor. I love to travel and enjoy trying new foods, seeing new sights, and having new experiences. I appreciate architectural beauty as well as nature’s beauty, and I could watch animals – of just about any kind – all day long. I dabble in the fine arts and watch the performing ones. And I am a devout cat person (though I also have a dog who thinks I’m the best).
While I’m a big fan of efficiency and effectiveness, I try to never lose sight of the key idea that people matter—and nothing else matters as much. Treating others with dignity and humanity is woven through everything I do.

What My Clients Say
Jessica gave us a clear picture of the issues we needed to address as well as a road map for how to get where we wanted to go.
She has the real-world experience to understand our business’s big picture and the attention to operational detail to make change happen.
Justin Brooks with Google’s PartnerPlex, Mountainview CA
Jessica Coleman, Let’s Talk People

Let’s Talk
I’m happy to answer any questions you still have or to dive into your situation and see if we’re a good fit for moving forward together toward your success.