Short-term Thinking

Let’s talk about short-term thinking.  It’s bad.

It lets you think you’re heading in the right direction because things look good right then and there.  But down the road… it gets ugly.

Don’t get me wrong:  There are definitely times you need to think short-term.  For example, during a crisis.  (Like a hard-hitting global pandemic, just for example…)  At that time, absolutely, focus on survival and what needs to be done RIGHT NOW.

But when the crisis abates and you’re not unable to focus on anything else, remember to lift your head and see where you are.  Are you still on the path where you meant to be?  Have other opportunities arisen?  Are you getting ready to plunge off a cliff?  Make your course corrections and reassess where you want to be heading.

In the long-term, what are your values?  What is your mission?  What are your goals for the impact you want to make on the world?  Are you really working towards those things with what you’re doing in the short-term?

What changes do you want to make RIGHT NOW so you can be where you want to be – in the long-run.


Don’t Wait for HR


Opposing Voices and Alternative Perspectives