Business versus Unions

In this Supreme Court decision, it was decided that businesses can effectively ban unions in their workplaces and require individuals to use arbitration to resolve disputes.

I sure disagree with this.  Some unions have given collective bargaining a bad name (by bullying not only employers but also the workers they are supposed to represent), but unions do also exist for a reason (a good reason): to give a voice and some power to workers, specifically to protect employees from the few “bad apple” employers.

How do you ensure you hear your employees’ voices?  Are you hearing all of them?  What are your policies and procedures for bringing complaints up for discussion?

If you have good policies – and intention – in place, your employees won’t need (or even want) to unionize.  Whether you work with a union or not, remember the outcome you want:  employees who feel valued and treated fairly.  If you take good care of them, they will take good care of you and your company.



Lack of Representation


More Hours = Less Work