Motivate Your People

I have a passion for education – at all ages and levels, but especially for the children.  In my reading, I came across these four principles, which resonate strongly with Adult Motivation.  See if you can read this (replacing the word classroom with workplace) and consider it in the context of engaging your workers (and perhaps yourself!).

"These are four principles around which we can build powerful learning environments for students.  They also are four principles which are violated nearly every single day in most classrooms in America.  Ask yourself these questions about your own classrooms:

  • Autonomy:  Do students have freedom to make meaningful choices in school, and does that freedom increase as they get older?  Or are they told what to do almost every minute of every day?

  • Mastery/competence:  Do students want to be good at the things that we ask them to do in school? Or do they just do those things because we ask or force them?  Do students get to work at their optimal level of challenge?  Or do they have to do the same things as everyone else, regardless of their own learning needs and readiness?

  • Purpose:   Do students see the meaning and relevance of what we ask them to do in school? Or do they struggle to see the authenticity and purpose of the things that we have them do?

  • Relatedness:  Do students get to connect and collaborate with others in meaningful ways in school? Or do they primarily do their own work in isolation from others?"



Race Isn’t Real, But Racism Is


Goodbye, PowerPoint