My Apologies… a Pause

Please accept my apologies for the brief pause in my postings.  I have had a lot going on outside of my work life, and I was unable to find the time to finish the blog post I had started.  (This was partly an issue because I insisted on sticking with that one topic, refused to break it down into smaller chunks, and was unwilling to do a shorter one in the meantime.  Stubbornness is not my best quality!  Though some like to call it persistence… and that at least seems more palatable.)

My mother likes to remind me when I blame things on a lack of time that it’s not so much that I didn’t have the time as that I didn’t make the project a priority. (And she’s usually right…)

  • Do you ever do that? Blame things on being too busy, having too much going on, feeling overwhelmed… (I can’t imagine I’m the only one…)

  • Do you find that you feel badly about the way you prioritized things, or are you pretty good at getting your priorities the way you want them? (That is, do the right things get prioritized?)

    • Do you even know which things are most important to you?

    • Or do you try to make everything a priority? (I would caution against this, as it’s unlikely you will always be able to get everything done.)

Perhaps take a moment now to think about what the important things are in your life — family, friends, career, hobbies, and what else? — and the general order of their priorities.


All I Need to Know…


The Great Regret (Part You…)