Keep the People You Have

More ideas from one of my favorite newsletters – how to address The Great Resignation (and these are from July!). PGAV Destinations (link below)

  • Listen. Ask questions out of curiosity (not with a goal or outcome in mind).

  • Talk with your team about how to create a better workspace for them.

    • What ideas do they have?

    • What input do they have on the ideas you’re already thinking about? (More input from a diverse team of thinkers will result in more creative and better decisions.)

  • Trust your people. Give them the room to make good decisions (for themselves and for your company).

    • Consider personal time off, vacation days, and your sick/leave policies.

    • Make sure they are given the space and resources to do their job.  Ask about the barriers they face.  (I had a customer service job once where I needed my manager to approve every single transaction.  What a waste – of my time and his.)  How can you get out of their way?  How can you help them remove the obstacles that slow them down or the bureaucracy that ties their hands? How can you get them the people, materials, workspace they need to do their job well?

  • Promote from within.  (The people who do the job know it best!)

    • Remember to also train them in how to do the next step – managing people, overseeing budgets, creating and sticking to schedules, etc. Mentoring up-and-comers (HiPos) is a great way to do this. Be intentional about it.

  • Provide professional development.  (Make sure they know best!!!)

  • Make sure they know you care: “From your office staff to your front-line workers, everyone needs validation that they are valuable.” Recognition and heartfelt appreciation are how you keep the people you want.


Retain and Hire


The Great Resignation